Swans, annunciato il nuovo album!!!

Written by Senza categoria

Gli Swans annunciano sulla pagina facebook la lavorazione del prossimo album studio partendo dai live “test” dell’ultimo Tour “The Seer”.

Leggete qui:
Michael Gira / Swans
“thanks to all who came to our recent shows in europe. it means the world to us to be in the center of the storm with you… it is a life giving, regenerative event for us to make this music, and my hope is that a positive effect is shared by all. thank you for allowing us to make a fresh world in real time. your involvement means everything! … a few more of these short tours are upcoming, then a live album (hand made), then a new studio album using the live versions of these new songs you may have experienced as a starting point. so, the studio album will move forward from the live versions you’ve possibly witnessed (which have already changed nightly in the recent tour-s), and there will also be studio-only songs as well. we feel blessed to be able to do the thing we love, and profoundly moved that some people on this earth find something of value in our work. thank you!”

Un estratto di quello che dovrebbe essere ilnuovo brano “She Loves us” tratto dal Live in Copenhagen e non dimenticate di leggere il nostro Live Report della data romana al Circolo degli Artisti

Last modified: 10 Giugno 2013

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